Monday, February 23, 2015

My One Word for 2015 ~ BRAVE

Hi friend!

Well, since it's the middle end of the second month of the year it seems kinda late to be "announcing" my One Word for 2015.

Guess I'll be brave and go for it. Ha!

My One Word for 2015 is:

To me it's kind of a scary choice.  Do you see the irony there?  That brave is scary?

I guess it's because I don't know what I might need to be brave about.

Will something happen that will again break my heart and I'll need to be brave.....
now that's scary.

Or will I need to be brave in growing my faith and praying bold prayers .....
not so scary, hard maybe. But, growth is good.

Or will I need to be brave enough to make changes in my life.....
could be scary or could be good.

Or maybe it's just gong to be a reminder to live each day to the fullest.

Well, whatever this year of living brave brings, whatever the reason it was laid on my heart, I know that Jesus is with me and will be my help and strength.

"For I am the Lord, your God,
who takes hold of your right hand
and says to you, Do not fear;
I will help you."
Isaiah 41:13

Love ya,

Monday, February 9, 2015

Happy Monday Morning ~ What to Value on Monday Morn

Hi friend!!!

Happy Monday Morning! 

Sometimes you will never know
the value of a moment
until it becomes a memory.
~ Dr. Seuss

Perfect thought for a Monday morning don't ya think?

Mondays are not most people's favorite day of the week.
Most of us look forward to the weekends- TGIF, Saturday and Sunday.
Those are the "fun" days of the week.

Days filled with some of our favorite things.......
... family time
... relaxing
... church
... catching up on things around the house
... ball games
... coffee with friends
... and the list goes on.

Hopefully, we've learned to value those moments.
And by Monday they are our memories.

So friend, instead of wistfully wishing the weekend would never end, let's cherish the memories made.

I don't know, maybe then Mondays won't seem so bad. We can't make the weekend last forever, but we can take our sweet memories with us as we begin a new week.

Love ya,   

Sunday, February 8, 2015

Name Nine

Hey there friend!

Did you know that counting to ten really doesn't help you calm down? Well, at least it doesn't ever help me. Not that I need to very often, but when I do.... oh buddy watch out.

Recently, I had a really stressful day. At one point I had a bit of a melt down. Not gonna say for sure, but maybe some ranting was involved. I hate it when I behave that way. My emotions take over and counting to ten will not help.

The next morning I posted on Facebook that I was "hoping today goes smoother... praying for self-control, peace and joy to win."

A friend commented - "Got fruit? Gal 5, carry it with you."

I knew right away she was talking about Galatians 5:22-23

"But the Holy Spirit produces this kind of fruit in our lives:
love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness,
faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.
There is no law against these things!"

Well yea, I knew that. I pray most mornings for the Holy Spirit's help to "have much good fruit". And I name all nine out loud to remind myself how I want to behave and live out the day.

Sometimes though my fruit is kinda rotten. *sigh*

Well, later that afternoon as I was driving behind someone going real slooooowwww, I thought of my friend's comment. I was becoming annoyed and decided to name the nine fruit of the spirit. Right there in my car and out loud to myself.......

Joy {I'll be happy if she turns left because I'm going right}
Patience {feel like beeping my horn}
Gentleness {how about a gentle tap on my horn?}
Self-control {deep breath}

..... and it's working. Yay!  
Maybe one more time from the top - Love, Joy, Peace....

That day I discovered that "naming nine" works so much better than counting to ten.
And I think it's because I'm speaking God's word. There's power in His word.

My friend was right..... got fruit? Carry it with you.
Can you name the nine?

~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~

I'm linking up today at Barbie's place for some Weekend Brew .

Love ya,

Monday, February 2, 2015

Happy Monday Mornng ~ Expectantly

Hi friend!!!

Happy Monday Morning! 



Is part of your morning routine spending time with Jesus? 
Whatever your answer....
isn't it wonderful to know that He hears our voice?
So why wait until the end of the day to meet with Jesus?
Meet with Him first thing.
Lay your requests at His feet.
Walk through your day with expectancy.
Expectancy - the state of thinking or hoping that something,
especially something pleasant, will happen or be the case.
So friend, that's how I want to not only start my mornings, but live my life. Every. single. day.
With expectancy.
Love ya,