Monday, October 28, 2013

Happy Monday Morning! ~ Live It Well

Hi friend!

Happy Monday Morning!

"My greatest fear is not that I will fail, 
but that I will succeed in something 
that doesn't really matter."
~William Townsend

Thank You Lord, today is a brand new day.
May I not fear.
May I follow You.

Help me to know what really matters.
May I live it well. 

Live it well my friend.
Live it well.

Love ya,

Friday, October 18, 2013

5 Minute Friday Fun: LAUNDRY

Hi friend!

Do you know what day it is? Do ya? It's Five Minute Friday!

Don't know what FMF is all about? Click HERE to hop over to Lisa-Jo's place and see.
{you can play along even if you don't have a place in bloggy land}

The one word prompt for this week's Five Minute Friday party is "laundry". 

Thankfully, my hubby does 99% of our laundry. Yes, he's definitely a keeper.

The best part is - I know he doesn't do it because he absolutely loves this weekly chore, but because he absolutely loves me.

Like I said - I'm holding on to this guy.

Anyways, it's getting late so I better get started with this post. 

~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~
and Go!


Hoping my favorite old t-shirt that's so faded, worn and a bit torn can handle one more washing and drying.

It's oh so comfy and hugs me just right.
I've had it for years.
Put it on with an old pair of jeans and just relax on a Friday night.
Add some ice cream with chocolate syrup
{don't have to worry about drips on this old shirt}
and..... ahhhhh! pure bliss.

It's like my dear friend I've known for years.
Being with her is so very comfy.
We've laughed at the same things, hugged away each other's sadness, prayed for each other's kids.

So yea, maybe we're both a bit faded, worn and torn. Life does that ya know.

But, unlike a worn t-shirt, I know our friendship will last forever.
Add a bit of chocolate when we're together and .... ahhhhh! pure bliss.

and STOP!

Five Minute Friday

Hope you have at least one BFF to share life with... and a comfy t-shirt, too.

Love ya,

Monday, October 14, 2013

Happy Monday Morning! ~ Faith, Hope & Joy

Hey there friend!

Happy Monday Morning!

"Now may the God of hope 
fill you with all joy and peace in believing, 
so that you will abound in hope 
by the power of the Holy Spirit."
Romans 15:13 

He is my hope.
He fills my heart with joy 
and my mind with peace.   

Yes, Jesus loves me!

Love ya,

Friday, October 11, 2013

5 Minute Friday Fun: ORDINARY

Welcome friend and a Happy Friday to you!!

It's time for another Five Minute Friday. Today's word is: ordinary

My first thoughts when I saw what word Lisa-Jo gave us to write about was ..... 
...... blah, plain, dull.

 Is that what you thought, too?

Well, let's just see if that is so.

~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~

and Go!


There is beauty in the ordinary moments of life.

The moments I cherish the most are the living-life-minute-by-minute ones.

Hubby and I holding hands and saying "I do" before God, family and friends 38 years ago.

Holding my babies as they slept.

A surprise boquet of flowers just because he loves me.

A surprise red rose just because he loves me and learned it from his daddy.

Son #1 making a base hit and turning to give me a little wave and make sure I saw him.

Going to McD with son # two. Him giving me a hug good-bye and telling me "lunch was good, thanks mom. I really liked spending time with you".

Remembering the sound of my boys laughing together.

Ordinary moments are meant to be lived, cherished, and remembered.
and Stop!

Five Minute Friday

Now, stop and think for a moment of some ordinary moments in your life.........
........ yep, that one.
........ and that one.

They're sweet aren't they?
Bring a smile to your face maybe?

Hoping you have a wonderful weekend full of ordinary moments to be cherished.

Love ya,

Monday, October 7, 2013

Happy Monday Morning! ~ Sunrise / Sunset

Hey there friend!! 

Happy Monday Morning!

 "May every sunrise bring you hope
every sunset bring you peace."
~ Vicky Westra

I love sunrises  - the freshness of a new day. 
I love sunsets - counting my blessings of another day done.

Especially at the beach!
Ahhhhh - that just makes my soul sigh with happiness. 

Can you tell if this picture is a sunrise or a sunset?
Which do you prefer?

Love ya,

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

News Flash

Hey there friend!

A number of weeks ago, right about in the middle of the PS31 online Bible study I was participating in, God gave me a heavenly news flash.

Just to clarify here - I'm talking more of a little smack upside the head than an Aha! moment.

As I was talking to Him about where He is leading me, I once again mentioned about "this whole blogging thing".  Just kind of a general inquiry. Up until now He really hadn't answered when I asked.

To blog? or not to blog?
That is the question.
Or is it?

Yea, well, God being God, knew exactly what I was truly asking.

My  "innocent" question of  
".... and Lord, what do you think about my blogging? Please guide me."
really meant:
- will I ever make it big in bloggy land?
- are my words reaching anyone?
- will  my following grow? 50 followers? 100?
- will anyone miss me if I close up my blogland home?
- will this maybe lead to speaking? an ebook?

So, He decided to let me know exactly what He thought.

This time instead of me not hearing anything, I heard Him loud and clear.
I got the distinct impression in my spirit that He was actually shaking His head and saying to me - "News Flash - blogging is not at the top of my list."

"Say what, Lord?!, was my response as I sat up a bit straighter. "Ummm .... OK ...."

As I thought about it some more, I went from shock to hurt feelings.
Soon I was feeling confused and a bit upset.

In fact, I had to go to my journal and get this mapped out.

Don't worry, I'm ok now and of course God is right.  Because, you see in the grand scheme of life, blogging matters about as much as whether I choose to get an iced coffee from McD or DD.

Ha! That makes me think of someone I knew who would pray about whether to stop at McDonald's or Burger King. Really!? It's a fast food burger people.

So, I guess I should just enjoy sharing and writing here in blogland. Or not do it. Whatever.
It's only a blog. 

Now that it's clear what isn't at the top of God's list of important things in my life - what is?

In the final chapter of the book "What Happens When Women Say Yes To God"
Lysa TerKeurst says -

"Our hearts search for deeper meaning in life, and radically obedient people find it in loving the Lord, loving others He brings in our path, and continually seeking to become more like Jesus."

Yea, that Lysa gal is pretty smart. That's what my heart is searching for. Not more followers of my blog or making a name for myself in blogland.

After completing this six week online Bible study - reading Lysa's book, digging deeper in God's word, spending time in prayer, and journaling - I can tell you that this statement of Lysa's is true.

And that this is the it. This is what's at the top of God's list for my life.

So friend, have you ever been given a news flash by God?

Love ya,