Sunday, January 20, 2013

FOLLOW : Step One ~ My GPS

 Hey sweet friend! Welcome!
So, it seems like my One Word 2013 quest is taking me on a step-by-step journey. At least so far. It's only 20 days into this new year, and I've already learned the first two steps. 

I don't know whether to -
a. be excited that I'm learning so quickly
b. be worried that at this rate there will be 17.8 lessons to learn this year
   {at a rate of two for every 20 days}
c. both of the above

When I first felt that the Lord was leading me to choose follow as my word for this year, I pictured Him leading me by giving me answers to where I'm headed at this point in my life.

Kinda like my very own heavenly GPS.

You see I have all these questions about life as a fifty-something, empty-nester,  full-time working, married woman.

~ What is my purpose?
~ etsy shop? no esty shop?
~ Start going to women's Bible study? Do home Bible study? Start a Bible study at work?
~ Keep blogging? Stop blogging? Combine my blogs into one?
~ I love teaching the four year old class every Sunday... am I doing OK? should I teach a different age?
~ What will be my legacy? 

Oh so many questions and no idea which way to go.

"We humans keep brainstorming options and plans, but God's purpose prevails."
 Proverbs 19:21 (The Message)

Here is how this wonderful GPS would work:
I'm still holding onto my dream of one day opening my etsy shop.

So, I plug-in (prayer) my heavenly GPS, enter my directions (my ideas/options) and whaa-laa!!
Up pops the "map" to accomplishing that goal.

Step-by-step and turn-by-turn directions.
I'm given the amount of  time this will take. And maybe even an alternate route.
I can even calculate the gas mileage expenses.

And hey, since I prayed first than I must be "following" as I go on my merry way.
Oh silly me.

Yea, well that's not what this quest is gonna be about. I can tell you that right now.

The reality of my first lesson is:

I need to stop.

Stop thinking I'll find my way via ......
...... online devotionals
...... an Andy Stanley podcast
...... a Beth Moore CD
...... women's Bible study at church

All these things are great!
{LOVE listening to Andy and Beth}
However, that's not how I'll find my way.

And I need to start.

Start taking time every day to ......
...... read my Bible
...... read the book and do the companion Bible study the Lord led me to purchase
...... pray more

Ah that last one. Pray.
Not the "God bless my day" as I'm brushing my teeth prayer.

No. It's more like the sitting still (oh so very hard to do for any length of time)
with the door shut,
really talking to God,
and waiting for Him to answer.
Maybe even getting a bit radical and getting down on my knees, too. lol

And that's Step One.

So, as you can see I had my own idea about what my One Word quest was gonna be like.
But, there's no heavenly GPS. And that's truly OK.


Oh my gosh! As I was trying to figure out how to wrap this up I checked into Facebook.
Here is what I saw at the top of my FB page - a post by Proverbs 31 Ministries

Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, ''This is the way; walk in it" Isaiah 30:21

I mean how cool is that!?

I just love it when this kind of thing happens!{with God there aren't any coincidences} 

It's my Step One GPS thingy. *wink*

It's what I've been learning and Isaiah knew. When I take the time to pray and read my Bible I'll hear His voice speak to my heart and know which way I should go.

Hey friend - I can't wait to share Step Two with you!

I'm linking up with Melanie over at Only A Breath today as we all share our One Word updates.

Thursday, January 17, 2013

How is God calling you to.......

Hi there friend!

So, today I'm linking up with Bonnie over at Faith Barista for her weekly Faith Jam.   
Yep! Thursdays are the day to join in the fun and get a fresh shot of faith.

Bonnie gets the ball rolling by inviting us to stop by and join her in discussing {bloggy land style of course} her writing prompt of the week. It may be a question, thought, word or topic. Her only rule is to "keep it real". I love that about her. Stop by Faith Barista some time and you'll see what I mean. She writes from her heart and always keeps it real.

 So this week's prompt is:
"How is God calling you to become the Beloved?" 

Well, to be honest I haven't really thought about it.  Hmmmm.......

Is God calling me?  Ummmm.......

I know Jesus as my Savior. And well, ...... 


Oh my! I get it!

Yes, I guess He is calling me.

There's a song we used to sing in church a lot and I never really understood or "felt" the first line:
"As the deer panteth for the water, 
So my soul longeth after Thee."  

The song is based on Psalm 42:1 ~
"As the deer pants for streams of water, so my soul pants for you, my God."

But, right now, I am thirsty for Him.  He is calling me to a deeper walk with Him.

I have a deep desire in my soul, down in my spirit, to feel His presence. To hear Him speak to my heart. To know His love deeper than ever before. 

To be His beloved. 

I believe that's why He has guided me to choose FOLLOW as my One Word this year. 

What girl wouldn't follow her beloved wherever he leads?!

Thursday, January 10, 2013

My One Word for 2013

Hi Friend! Happy 2013!

Here we go - another year and another One Word to choose. Yay!

Guess I haven't been very faithful sharing about my One Word choices the last couple of years. Boo!

Actually, I regret that I haven't documented all  the One Word lessons and blessings that I've experienced concerning TRUST (2011) and PEACE (2012).

This year my plan is to blog once a month specifically about my One Word journey. Hopefully, each month I'll have more to share than just that to talk about. After all, I have been told I have the "gift of gab".

Sooooo ........

.......  my One Word choice for 2013 is .....

without drama or suspense ~

 Thanks to sweet Melanie, over at Only A Breath,  I have a super cute graphic. 

The reason I chose this word is because I plain don't know where I'm going.

What's next at this point in my life's story?
What's my purpose?
What do I need to do to fulfill all that God created me to be?

And guess what - I don't really have a plan.

Scary huh?

I mean me being the Official Family Planner {OFP} you'd think I should have at least a hint to where I'm going.

Yea, probably. But I really don't. 

So, this year I'm gonna - FOLLOW

I believe this is the perfect "next step". I can't imagine another word choice.

I want the Lord to lead me in His ways, along His path and according to His perfect will for my life.

So friend, my word is follow and my prayer is this ~

Show me your ways, Lord,
    teach me your paths.

Guide me in your truth and teach me,
    for you are God my Savior,
    and my hope is in you all day long.

Psalm 25:4-5

 That's right friend, all day long -  24/7.   365 days for 2013. Whoopee!!!!!! 
BTW - I'm linking up

here with Melanie


here with Bonnie